01304 368657
John M McDonald-Baker FlnstLM, GCGI, MMICS, CRSW, Dip.RSA, MSET 20-22 St Richards Road, Deal, Kent CT14 9JR
From undertaking regular
- quality audits
- training analysis
- development plans for meeting the
requirements of your CQC inspection
to producing
- policies and procedures or
marketing materials to send
out to potential customers
Our services are all totally flexible and will be designed to meet your individual requirements
Whether it is for a
- residential unit
- fostering agency
- nursery setting
- children’s centre
We are able to provide services that will meet your individual needs.
Support and supervision for
- senior managers
- quality audits
- development plans to meet your
OFSTED report requirements
- training analysis
- business plans
- marketing materials
For support and advice on:-
- starting and developing a business
- SWOT analysis
- preparing business plans
- reviewing your current operations
- planning for expansion
- training analysis or
- providing support and supervision
for senior managers
We are able to provide a flexible yet supportive service.
Consultancy for:-
- Assessment Centre set up
- Assessment Centre facilitation
- Internal Verification Services
- Bespoke Training Courses
- Short Courses delivered on site
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Click on image above for more info
Click on image above for more info
Click on image above for more info